Good morning everyone!
Congratulations on completing Joints in June! How did you find it? What was your favourite Joints in June exercise?
It's time to ditch the heels...
Did you know that experts say a 3-inch heel stresses your foot seven times more than a 1-inch heel? Heels can also put extra stress on your knees and increase your risk of developing osteoarthritis.
Looking forward to seeing you all in July as we get 'Summer Ready
Have a lovely day! 💖
#JointsInJune #ExerciseJourney #HeelFacts #HealthyKnees #ExerciseChallenge #StandingHeelRaise #LegWorkout #BalanceTraining #FitnessJourney #SeatedHipRotations #JointsInJune #WristFlex #FitnessJourney #FitnessGoal #birtley #washington #chesterlestreet #gateshead #lowfell #pilates #pilatesbirtley #pilatesgateshead #pilateslowfell #pilateswashington #pilateschesterlestreet #dawnchambersfitness #heels
